The Great Bathroom Debate and a Shout Out to J



Today, I was bored and decided to comment on one of my daughter’s posts about HB2. My daughter is a total liberal, so of course, I walked into this knowing that I was stirring the shit-pot, so to speak. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before I had a debate on my hands. 😀

A little background….

I live in North Carolina which is at the heart of the transgender bathroom issue. It is also smack dab in the heart of the Bible Belt. What the nation is hearing about HB2 does not even scratch the surface of the turmoil that is occurring here. A lot people are under the misconception that North Carolinians are discriminating against the GLBT community out of fear and prejudice. This is not, however, the case in all instances. We are all not ignorant, simple-minded folks who have no want or desire for progress. Some of us really don’t care what genitalia you have, want, or were born with. We just want to have our rights respected too.

Today, I was informed that transgender people fear the harassment and assaults that accompany using their currently assigned restrooms. Is it wrong to point out that the assaults and harassment are only going to be the tip of the iceberg if NC reverses its stance on the bill? People are buying ammo, for heaven’s sake! Whether it is right or wrong, that is a fact. There is no need to wonder, people WILL rebel. Innocent people are going to get hurt and it is all because no one can agree on where to piss. Sad, isn’t it?

Today, I was asked my stance on HB2. That one is a little harder to explain. Why? Because contrary to popular belief, this is a complex issue. This is not grammar school check-yes-or-no shit….this is real and it affects more than just the GLBT community.

Personally, on one hand, I could give a flying fuck about your gender issues. Keep that shit to yourself. If you want to change your gender, go for it. It does not affect me at all….until some hairy SOB looking like Chester Molester in heels tries to walk in the restroom with my preteen daughter. THEN, we have issues.

And that brings me to my first major point….If you have chosen to identify as a gender other than the one you had at birth, then make an effort to look like it. Hell, do one better and solve this whole damn issue by having gender reassignment surgery. If you want society to restructure its entire outlook to respect your chosen gender identity, then surely you can respect your chosen gender identity enough to have reassignment surgery and take your damn hormones. Until you have enough faith in your decision to make it a reality, don’t expect anyone else to have faith in your decision either.

I mean, I get it. I do. You don’t feel comfortable. There ARE single restrooms, as well as family restrooms. Feel free to use them if you want. No one is complaining. While I realize that sounds crass, let me point out that it really is a viable option….win-win….you get safety and privacy and I don’t have to explain things to my child before I feel she is ready to understand.

Point 2…how does asking people to change all that they believe, their morals and values, their religious beliefs differ from asking you to respect a law that has been in effect for some time now? Why does the comfort of one group of people take precedence over the comfort of another group? Why does one person deserve to have the right to feel safe at the expense of another’s right to the same? Has anyone thought about the child with developmental disabilities who cannot understand what is going on? Has anyone thought about the rape victim or the little old lady with dementia who is terrified? What about the family of the innocent bystander who is killed in an altercation fueled by fear and stubbornness?

Personally, I feel that this whole debate only exists at this ridiculous level because of the new trend that some of us refer to as “being butthurt”. It’s all bullshit, plain and simple. Every time someone gets their feelings hurt, they have to take it to the extreme. Some stupid kid shoots up a church and its all “Black Lives Matter”, “Take down the Flag”. Bruce becomes Caitlyn and now someone wants the right to jack their dick in the stall next to me as I change my tampon. Wow! These are your battles? This is worth your time? Society is not whipping you. No one is sending you to the back of the bus. No one is telling you to drink from a trans only fountain. Granted, it may seem similar, and on any other issue, I would probably stand with you, but when genitalia comes into play, it’s a whole new ball game.

I am not anti GLBT. I don’t care what you do, how you dress, or what you put in your mouth. I don’t care if you get married, raise children, or run for political office. It’s your life. Live it how you want. I am not about to tell you how to live it. I’m not going to ask you to change to suit me. But that goes both ways. Asking ME to change kind of makes you a hypocrite, now, doesn’t it?

Maybe I need to start the “Next Big Thing”…I hereby identify as a straight, Conservative female with an above average intelligence and I am offended by entitlement, stupidity, laziness, and illegals. Instead of financing illegals, lazy SOB’s, luxury prisons, and every other country under the fucking sun, I want to see all of that money go to the elderly, veterans, and proper public education. I would rather see art and music programs in schools than transgender locker rooms. (I mean, in the long run, which serves the greater good? ) Instead of watching another bleeding heart liberal give my tax dollars to whoever is feeling butthurt at the moment, I would much rather see Trump take more and build that damn wall! I am also very offended by the thought of a stranger’s hairy balls being mere feet away from me. Let’s take steps to rectify that issue…

And finally, my last point….

During my conversation earlier tonight, the person with whom I was debating made the following comment:

I can’t conceive of someone like yourself, with your background, voting Republican, especially since Republicans have a proven track record of being anti-woman and anti-women’s rights….”

I’m at a loss on that one. What about my background would lead anyone to think that I am a liberal? Is it because I am intelligent and educated? I have said it before and I will say it again – I am no Daisy. I didn’t burn my bra. I didn’t ask for these rights. Someone else saw fit to bestow them on me and I am not altogether sure that they are a blessing. Most of the time I see it as a curse. But here’s where it gets interesting – I’m not trying to change legislature in order to make a man hold a door for me or to get a job and support me. I’m not sitting around crying because I’m not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. I’m not trying to change a single person for the sake of validating myself. I choose my battles.

My background…I was raised in a Republican home by my grandparents. I grew up during the Reagan Administration and was inundated with stories of how great Eisenhower was. I even had an old “I like Ike” pin that my grandfather gave me. I place a high value on my right to bear arms. I believe in God, Family, Country. I respect my elders and read my Bible. I know the value of a dollar and I have a strong work ethic. I come from a large, male dominated family whose members include veterans of every single branch of the US military from WWI through the present. I am “old-school”. I’m not looking for progress. I’m intelligent enough to realize that history repeats itself and any “progress” is simply an illusion.

So, am I against or for HB2? Well, neither, of course. The only way to solve this issue is to start over. I don’t necessarily agree with having to use the restroom assigned to your biological gender. I’m down for you using the facilities that correspond to your gender NOW. If you have a vagina honey, come on in, but if not, then go away. If you have a penis NOW, please use the men’s room. At the very least, try not to bring attention to the fact that you are in a restroom that was intended to be for a gender other than your intended one. Or better yet, take advantage of the “gender-neutral” single restrooms. If you want to fight a battle, fight the battle that cries for gender neutral single restrooms to be mandatory in all businesses and do away with the communal bathrooms that are at the heart of this issue. Do I think that there needs to be stricter punishments for those who commit hate crimes against the GLBT community? Of course I do. Am I against the GLBT community? No, not at all. And I never meant to imply that. I’m not trying to dehumanize anyone. I’m just not sure that the world is ready to make the great leap into what you think is the best solution for you despite how anyone else feels. I feel that there needs to be a happy medium.

I think that there is room for compromise on this issue, but this is definitely not the way to go about it…….

All that being said, let me just say a little thank you for the debate. I must admit that I enjoyed debating with someone who gave as good as they got. He made some valid points and I will give credit where credit is due. And J, if you are reading this, feel free to post links to what you shared with me earlier today or to comment. I may not agree with your views, but I will defend with all of my might your right to make your views known.

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