Bitches, Hoes, and The “C” Word

All I wanted was a cup of coffee….

A few weeks ago, I stopped by the convenience store before work to fill up the car and to grab a cuppa before work. I ran into a guy friend and was talking to him as we waited in a seemingly endless line. This young guy came in, maybe 19 or 20 years old, and I see his face drop when he sees how long the line is. Since I was talking to my friend and really wasn’t in any hurry, I told the guy that he could go in front of me. We finally get to the front of the line and as the guy turns to leave, he looks at me and says ” Tell me – why are women such cunts?”

Really? WTF?

I am the only female in the building and I know that I haven’t said or done anything to this punk. Before I could say anything, however, my friend and the guy behind him really laid into this kid. I promise that he will never again make the mistake that he made that day. I would be lying though if I said that the incident didn’t piss me off.

Let’s face it – I am no stranger to foul language. I cuss like a sailor. I’ve even been known to say the c word a time or two. I DO have an issue with having a complete stranger insinuate that I am one. It absolutely kills me that guys go around calling women bitches and hoes and cunts. It fucking astounds me that this is tolerated in our society. It’s rude, it’s ignorant, and it’s going to get your ass whupped. Every time I hear that shit, I want to slap the taste out of someone’s mouth.

I would NEVER walk up to a random guy and call him a needle dick or a jagoff for no apparent reason. My mama raised me better than that. I DO have morals and manners. I can’t help but wonder why more people don’t……..

The more I think about it, the more upset I become. It would not be so bad if he had said bitch. Bitch I can handle. But cunt? That is one of the worst things that you can call a woman, in my opinion. Granted, the guy apologized and it  did my heart good that Tim and some random man would jump to my defense, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t take away from the fact that I am highly offended. As far as I’m concerned, the kid deserved the split lip and so does every other man who thinks it’s okay to treat random women like shit just to prove that you’re a Billy Badass when you’re really just a douche.


Taking Things to the Extreme

There is nothing more upsetting than watching a family or a friendship fall apart over something stupid, but I’ve been seeing it on a regular basis lately. I cannot fathom how a person can throw a 20+ year friendship away over differing political opinions, let alone disown a family member. This is so juvenile and petty! Choosing a political candidate over a loved one is pretty stupid. There is not a politcal candidate running that is worth it.

Yes, I know that things heat up quickly during these times, but come the fuck on! I hate Hillary with a fucking passion but you don’t see me slamming the door on my loved ones because they think she’s the queen of all that is good and right. I mean, I might not have a lot of respect for their opinion, but I’ll damn sure defend their right to have it. Isn’t that what makes America so great? We are allowed to have opinions and to express them. If you don’t agree, then why are you still here?

And all of this threatening to leave the country if Trump is elected….Go! You need me to buy you a one way ticket? The borders aren’t closed yet…go to Mexico. If your allegience to your country is that wavering, then do us all a favor and don’t call yourself an American. We really don’t need fair-weather citizens. I noticed that none of you sorry sons of bitches served a day in the military and your contributions to society haven’t been all that precious. Hope you got your bags packed because it looks as though Trump will own it like a boss……

Yes, the arguing gets funny at times and is quite entertaining. I love how we as a society start debating as though we are personally running for office, but it’s time for a reality check people. Learn to get your priorities in order.



It’s Time For A Change


No one will be happier to see President Obama leave the White House than me. I didn’t vote for him either time. I knew that he was the worst choice to lead the American people, but everyone was ready to see a black president in office. Personally, I don’t give a damn what color he is. He could be purple and I would still say that he is incompetent. That’s the problem….the American people made their decision based on color. “Change”, they cried. Really? THIS was the change they called for? What the hell is wrong with people?!?!

Does anybody remember the Reagan era? I do. Those were some damn good times. I remember some good things happening under that administration. Let me see…there was the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the end of the Cold War, Star Wars, tax reform, a massive economic boom, over 16 million jobs were created due to “Reaganomics”, the Armed Forced were refurbished, ensuring America’s role as a military super power, and there were nuclear weapons cuts. I will never forget hearing him say the words that a generation will never forget…””Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall !” I bore witness to the one of the most memorable moments in history and it was all because of this great man. At that moment in time, at 14 years of age, I was naïve enough to believe that what Reagan accomplished would last…that it would be improved upon. Never did it cross my mind that it was only the calm before the storm.

I’m not going to waste a lot of my time debating the Clinton years or Bush 1 & 2 except to address the obvious and to give my honest opinion on a few things. Number one – I might have had respect for Clinton if he had said that, yes, he did inhale. Saying that you smoked a joint but didn’t inhale is like admitting that you are too stupid to figure it out. Now, the way I see it, if you are too incompetent to be a stoner, then are you really competent to be the leader of an entire nation? Are you really capable of being a representative of the people? Another thing that really bothers me is all of the sex scandals that followed Bill. Could he not control his sexual urges any better? Did he really have to go after every horse-faced women he met? I don’t know about anyone else, but I can honestly say that I personally would have preferred him hiring an escort and keeping this nonsense out of the media. I really have no interest in whether he had relations with this woman or that woman or not. Better yet, he should’ve kept his dick in his pants and attended to more important matters like, I don’t know, running the country maybe? Hell, he could’ve slipped it to his wife now and then; maybe we could’ve avoided the No Child Left Behind Act which only served to decimate the entire education system.

But, regardless, Obama is the one who has me so mad that I can’t stand it. I just don’t see where he has brought anything to the table. I can only see the chaos and destruction that he has caused. Take Obamacare. Yes, I will admit that there are people who benefit from it and I am super happy for them, but I know even more people who are really suffering because of it. I am thrilled that my friend, a cancer survivor, may now get insurance, but I can’t help but feel the anguish of those who cannot afford healthcare or my old residents who had to leave the facility that they called home because of these changes. Let’s not beat around the bush – Obamacare is nothing short of a clusterfuck, plain and simple. Middle school children could have came up with a better resolution to our problem.

Let’s not forget the impact that the Obama – Kerry policy has had on our current problems with the Middle East and ISIS. This policy has fanned the flames of rebellion in Syria and has provided an environment ideal for the growth of the extremist Islamic State. Obama obviously has no idea of what he is doing and keeps making it up as he goes along. He has taken credit for the assassination of Osama Bin Ladin. Fine, let’s stroke an ego here.. yes, this occurred under the Obama administration, but I will never forget that it was Seal Team 6 who was responsible for the death of that monster. Every single member of that team is a fucking hero and deserves the utmost respect and gratitude. Hell, they deserve a special place in Heaven as far as I am concerned.

Let’s talk about the border issues for a moment. I have heard it said that the blame should fall on Bush 2 for the problems we have today, and there may be a ring of truth to that, but I am here to tell each and every one of you that I have witnessed firsthand the impact of the Obama Administration on border issues and it is not good at all. I live in North Carolina, just outside of Charlotte. FYI: NC is a top 10 state in regards to human traffickinh and ranks 11th among the states impacted by illegal immigration. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (, the 2010 illegal alien population numbered 410,000. That’s 4.3% of the population. And that is only the ones they know about. You cannot live in my town without knowing that they sneak here, steal identities, find jobs, get caught, get deported and are back to work 2 weeks later. I do not exaggerate when I say that they live 10, 15, even 20 people to a house in order to maintain confusion amongst neighbors as to who belongs and who doesn’t. They laugh and joke about our laws, showing no shame for their actions. They are not just from Mexico. They come from Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. I have absolutely nothing against anyone coming here LEGALLY and prepared to acclimate, but it really pisses me off when I see them in their low-rider Chevys, calling out obscenities in Spanish, and acting like gutter trash while it’s my tax dollars that pay into the Public Assistance program that puts gas in that ugly vehicle. My daughter, at 5 years old, had her identity stolen by, not one, but 2 illegal Dominican women. I could not help but be a smartass when the police officer asked me if I was sure I wanted to press charges. I looked him dead in the eye and asked, “Does a cat have an ass”? No joke, I couldn’t help it. Really? What the hell did he expect me to say?

I’m fed up with having to deal with illegals. I really don’t care what happens to them. Seal the borders. Shoot them. gas them. Put chips in their brains that auto-destruct upon attempting re-entry. I don’t care, but for fuck’s sake, don’t hold the damn door open for them and offer them free money and healthcare like a goody bag. They shouldn’t get a federal welcome wagon unless it’s to escort them back to whatever hellhole they came from. Where will it all end? Why are we allowing this to happen? Why are paying for the care and upkeep of illegal immigrants when we cannot provide for our military or our veterans? I think it is a sad day indeed when illegals receive enough aid from the government to fund more illegals crossing the border while the men and women risking their lives to protect and defend this country aren’t provided with the most basic of their needs.

Yes, I am ready for a change. I am not concerned with gender, race, religion, or even sexual preference. I want to see a President elected into office that is competent enough to set America back on the right track. I would like to see more focus on family values, education, and domestic issues. I would like to see veterans and active military get the benefits that they deserve and have their needs cared for. It would be great if we could elect a President that can make the important decisions, that can step up to the plate and will serve the American people to the best of his ability. I pray that we can elect into the Presidency a man, or woman, that will uphold the Constitution and stand against terrorism. I want to see a return to greatness.

Is that really so much to ask?

Lost in America


Sometimes, when I look around, I realize that everything is changing and, if I’m going to be perfectly honest, I’m not too happy about it. Not all change is bad, don’t get me wrong, but I think that a lot of it is unnecessary, if not outright detrimental, to society.

Technology has surpassed everyone’s expectations at an alarming pace. It has allowed us  many advancements in medicine, education, defense, etc., but at what cost? We use Facebook and texting to keep in touch with everyone we ever knew, but what happened to a hand-penned letter? Kids today cannot write, nor read, cursive writing. The written language has changed. Where we once wrote words, we know use emoticons and a strange firm of shorthand. Proper spelling and grammar have gone the way of Betamax and the Dodo. Cell phones provide a certain level of piece of mind, sure, but it has decimated the concept of human interaction. I love the thought of being able to call for help if I need it or having an alternate source of communication in an emergency, but I cannot fathom the need to use a cell phone to text someone in the same room rather than speak to them the old fashioned way. Stand outside of any school on any given afternoon and you will swear that the zombie apocalypse has already occurred.

As an avid reader, I am in love with Amazon’s Kindle. In fact, I own several and have filled every single one with e-books, but I still love real books. Kindle will never replace the smell, or feel, of a bound book. I will never part with my collection of first edition books. There’s  just something about turning the page of a well-read book that makes me giddy. I also cannot be found without one of my many MP3 players. They are my favorite product of the digital age, but I will always prefer live shows, the pops and white noise of vinyl, and liner notes.

As far as defense systems and satellites are concerned, I feel that all of the technology has only served to make us more vulnerable, but that it is a necessary evil in this day and age. Let’s face it, the more technologically advanced we have become, the more global violence and acts of terrorism have occurred. The personal information that we have worked so hard to protect and keep private has repeatedly been stolen by hackers without morals. That being said, we, as a society, have bred a generation of naive fools who believe that their nude photos and “sexts” are safe and private on their digital devices and in the cloud, then they become appalled that they are getting leaked to the public. Really?!?!

We are producing vehicles that park and drive themselves and we call them “smart” cars. Phones are “smart” phones. Hell, we even have “smart” televisions! Is it making US smarter? Hell no! It has made society much more stupid, ignorant, and incapable of functioning on their own. It amazes me that schools are graduating students who have never heard of the Dewey Decimal System and cannot look a word up in a print dictionary. If you want a reality check, ask the next cashier that you encounter to add .50 to your bill after they have rung it up. Chances are that they cannot make proper change without re-ringing it up or using a calculator.

So I suppose I’m considered “old-school”, and that is okay with me. One day, I’ll have the enjoyment of reading those old story books to my grandchildren and teach them to enjoy the smell of old leather and bookbinding, the feel of the paper as they turn the page, and the beautiful illustrations that cannot be improved upon by digital enhancement. I’ll have them turn off YouTube and I’ll turn them onto Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” on vinyl, white noise and all. I’ll tell them about being in the spotlight, feedback, and getting to meet and interact with the performers of my time. I’ll show them how to use a pencil, play a board game, and to appreciate life, nature, and the the world that surrounds us by witnessing it first hand and not from in front of a screen. I’ll tell them about the days when kids played outside, when one didn’t have to worry about locking their doors, and we knew our neighbors. I imagine that they will sit in awe as I once did as I heard my grandparents talk about life before radio and tv, not quite believing it and not being able to comprehend how life must have been.

Yes, I am lost in this day and age where we put our trust into machines and we interact through a new language. Some days I feel as though my generation will be the last intelligent one that still has common sense.

I wonder if I am the only one that feels this way…..